Monday, April 21, 2014

A Baby and Baseball

Through my seven month journey of being a parent I’ve experienced some of the happiest moments in my life.  There are also many stresses, disappointments and struggles.  But when your small child learns to do something new, or experiences a new adventure with you for the first time, it is truly one of the best feelings in the world.  All of these joyous moments, to me, outweigh the heartaches and struggles of parenthood.

Recently, JC and I got to embark on another great adventure with our seven month old daughter, her first Cubs/Cardinals baseball game.  JC was a little disappointed she didn’t experience her first game in his favorite place in the world to watch baseball, Wrigley Field, but passing up free Cubs/Cardinals tickets would be a sin to us.  So off we went on Sunday with our diaper bag full of baby supplies to last the day in St. Louis. 

And what a fun day it was despite a short rain delay and a Cubs loss.  After having our first baseball game as parents under our belt we made some interesting observations.
-Babies are like celebrities at ball games, especially if you dress them up in cute baseball gear, bows and hats.  Everyone oohed and awed over our cute little Cubs fan – even those who were rooting for the Redbirds.
-There are lots of little baseball fans who tag along with their parents to games.  When I think of baseball I don’t think of babies, but beer, hotdogs and of course the actual game.  Going to the baseball game was actually a very fun, stress-free event for our little family.
-Stadiums, at least Busch, make it fairly easy to deal with the extra tasks that come along with parenthood (i.e. diaper duty).  There were family restrooms strategically placed throughout the stadium.

-All of the people, sights and sounds can be a little overwhelming for babies.  Miss A had a long nap, during our long car ride and the new surroundings took a bit for her to adjust to.  She quietly observed her surroundings.  Once she decided she was okay with everything, smiles and laughter accompanied our baseball experience. 

Our first family baseball experience was a great success thankfully – which means we will be enjoying many more baseball adventures with our happy girl in the years to come.

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